Thursday, June 13, 2013

Jackass and the on and off then back twitter Account

So, Michelle"Jackass"Mckee, may have tried to cancel her acct. Lol Now we all know that FBI Donkey wantabee  not going to be off for long. This is a no teeth media whore, and of course the Antichrist. I think she is funny though . I wonder if she is Crazy Alice of Twitter. We all can not forget, this nut was declared Mental.

This Blog loves seeing Radionewzblog being fair. Not easy for her, but hell we love Georgia don't we? I know CM does. O CM be lost if the Radio was not on.

Can someone please explain to me why Goddard repeats other stories for a unknown blog? Why did both of her men walk so quick on our Chubby friend? Could it be her chasing married cops? Did they use her?

So Walter Madison plans to run for office is the rumor? LOL he could not win a case where their was no real testimony against his client.

Mert continues to be angry at our German Unknown Crime Blogger.

Tim Hortons Kicks ass!

1 comment:

  1. Rumors are that he had to walk in order to keep out of the brig.
